Since 2020, more of us have been working from home than ever before. Although the number of professionals working remotely has gradually decreased since restrictions have eased, hybrid working is now considered a viable option for many. While you may no longer be confined to office-standard business casual attire, many hybrid workers find dressing well for their working hours significantly improves their motivation and productivity. So, what do you wear when working from home? Let’s take a look at some comfortable, fashionable and professional options.

Don’t Be Tempted To Wear Pyjamas

When working from home, the main temptation is to stay in your pyjamas all day. While this might feel fantastic for a day or two, getting dressed and ready for the day will make you feel far more productive. Numerous studies have found that many of us experience adverse effects on our mental well-being when we allow ourselves to remain in pyjamas all day. It may even cause disruptions to your internal biological clock, leading to sleep problems, so make the effort to get dressed, even into a fresh pair of pyjamas.

Professional On Top, Casual Below

Donning professional attire may be necessary if your job involves conducting calls and meetings via video conferencing platforms like Zoom and Google Meet. However, a clever way around having to wear uncomfortable office-appropriate outfits in the supposed comfort of your own home is to cheat by wearing a professional top with comfortable bottoms. For instance, you could pair a crisp, white button-down shirt or blouse with cotton leggings. In fact, according to LBC news, almost a third of people working from home during the pandemic wore pyjama bottoms or sweatpants during virtual meetings, so you won’t be alone!

Loose-Fit Trousers

Suppose you don’t particularly want to wear pyjama bottoms or sweatpants, yet you’d still like to be comfortable while sitting at a desk for eight hours. In that case, you’ll be pleased to know that there are numerous options for loose-fitting work-appropriate trousers. This is a particularly good option if you often have to nip into the office with little notice or make a last-minute dash to the shop. Opt for relaxed-fit, high-waisted, wide-leg trousers made from cotton, linen or an equally soft, breathable fabric.

Breathable Fabrics

Speaking of breathable fabrics, cotton, linen, bamboo, silk, and other high-quality, natural fibres are excellent for keeping you cool and comfortable by promoting efficient body temperature regulation. Overheating at work can exacerbate stress and affect your concentration, so always read the label and choose your workwear fabrics carefully, avoiding low-quality, synthetic materials like nylon, acrylic and polyester. Additionally, natural fibres are typically more durable and resistant to damage, making them worth the investment.

Comfortable Layers

Working from home during the colder months can be surprisingly expensive. While you may save money by avoiding expensive coffee shops, fast food lunches, and travel expenses, energy costs continue to soar. Instead of running your central heating on high all day long, donning a few extra layers could save you a small fortune. Cashmere is a remarkably insulating yet breathable material perfect for chilly weather, so consider investing in a couple of ladies cashmere hoodies as part of your work-from-home wardrobe. You can read more about the extraordinary benefits of cashmere in this article.


Loungewear is the middle point between pyjamas and casual attire - socially acceptable enough to be seen in public yet comfortable enough to wear during a quick nap. Loungewear is categorised as anything comfortable and ideal for wearing around the house - sweaters, yoga pants, joggers, hoodies, etc. These loose-fitting, comfortable garments may become your wardrobe staples once you start working from home. Additionally, a two-piece loungewear set can look exceptionally fashionable, particularly when styled with a trenchcoat, crisp white sneakers and a leather handbag.

Whatever Makes You Feel More Productive

When it comes to fashion, there are no hard-and-fast rules. If you have the freedom to wear whatever you want while working from home, the best advice is to wear what makes you feel comfortable and productive. Whether donning your favourite professional outfit, accessorising to perfection, or simply spending all day in cosy loungewear, choose workwear that improves your working day.

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